Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 04:30:26 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #321 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 27 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 321 Today's Topics: Any IP tunneling software ? BAYCOM and ICOM W2 Best Packet SW? MFJ and FBB, how???? Need info: HP 6260B Supply NET/Mac & AE Quadralink setup help needed Packet on a Newton Packet with Commodore 64 is NO problem! rules of content Source for BBSs? TCP/IP Help X1J Manager Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 25 Sep 1994 06:41:13 GMT From:!wnoc-tyo-news!!sinetnews!niq0!!!kudpc!akiu!sakunami!diptx1! Subject: Any IP tunneling software ? To: Hi, Our club's plannig the gateway that connects 50 km apart amateur radio tcp/ip communities. 2 gateways will be connected through the local universitys' leased line (TCP/IP spoken there). Like this: ~~ V V ~~~ radio | | radio TCP/IP | | TCP/IP GW1 GW2 | | Ether Ether | | + ====leased line==== + The GW1 is SPARC Classic and GW2 is Sun3/50. The first plan was simply use the IP forwarding. But my 'SENPAI ;)' told me better not use that beause of the licence problem.(Any one could go out the radio from university if the routing table changed) Now we are thinking of use "tunneling" between the gateways. So I want to know any free tunneling software implemented on SPARC&Sun3 is available. Well, I heard "IP over AX25 over IP" once. Do you think this works in this case ? Thanks in advance. Toshihiko Hosoya ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 94 18:27:38 GMT From: Subject: BAYCOM and ICOM W2 To: Hello folks, I am trying to connect a BAYCOM modem to an Icom W2 transceiver, with very diss apointing results. Althought, I have repeatedly done a similar connection to an ICOM IC-24, the W2 seems to be a totally different kind of beast. If anyone has ever interfaced the W2 to the BAYCOM, I would appreciate, if you could drop me a posting at the address specified in the signature file. Sorry, my connection to Internet does not allow me any more, to read the list, so pers onal answers are in order. I would very much appreciate any hints you might have. Best 73 de John (SV1CEC) +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | John Caradimas | email: | | P.O.Box 31689 | | | Athens 100-35 GREECE | tel. : +(301)-6451541 (h) +(301)-8831511 (o) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DISCLAIMER : For all these, you can only blame me, nobody else! | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 17:04:31 GMT From:!!agate!!!!!!! Subject: Best Packet SW? To: Hi Steve, Try Graphics Packet. It is very simple, comfortable and has lots of features (editor, spy...) 73, Moritz DL5UH ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 18:18:41 +0200 From: agate!!!!psgrain!!! Subject: MFJ and FBB, how???? To: I have just ordered n MFJ 1276 TNC from the States. My intention is to run a BBS on VHF, with Pactor forwarding on HF. I will be using the (F6)FBB software to run the BBS (v 5.15). My question arises from the set-up instructions contained in the FBB manual. It states that "...for TNC-2 or close clones. The EPROM of the type 27256 must be replaced by a special EPROM with the WA8DED host mode software, or by the German TF4, TF8 or TF18" (Pg 37 of manual) Now the MFJ advert that I saw prior to ordering my 1276, says that the MFJ is a clone of the TNC-2 type, totally compatible with the TAPR system, and is used in the US for digi's and BBS's. Q1. Do I need to order the special EPROM mentioned, or does the MFJ come standard with the "right stuff". Q2. What software are the majority of BBS's in the USA running on, here in ZS land, FBB is the favourite. If not FBB in the States, is the favourite available via FTP anonymous site. Please e-mail to my Reply To, or [:-(] post replies here. Many thanks for taking the time to read and assist in this matter. Cheerio, Brian ZR5DTS Voice: ++27-31-7011201 (06:00-14:30 UTC) Internet: Fax: ++27-31-7090813 AX25 Packet: ZR5DTS@ZS5S.NTL.ZAF ICBM's: 29:51:05 S 30:53:59 E ********************************************************************* I am glad I don't know everything, that way life isn't boring - Brian Ellse 94 ********************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 94 15:21:22 GMT From: Subject: Need info: HP 6260B Supply To: I recently acquired a HP 6260B DC power supply. The thing provides 0-10vdc @ 100amps, but has been modified to provide 12.5vdc. It is currently configured to run off of 230vac input, but has a note on the chassis about connecting to different voltages, to consult the manual (which I don't have). Does anyone have a spare manual for one of these laying around? Otherwise, if someone could supply some info about this rascal, I would be much appreciative. -- Dave Ewaldz INGERSOLL MILLING MACHINE CO. N9HKM Rockford, Illinois, USA Internet - Amprnet - Ma-Bell - (815)-987-6081 Packet ax25 mail - ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 13:08:02 -0400 From:!! Subject: NET/Mac & AE Quadralink setup help needed To: Well... it was bound to happen... I lost a hard drive through my own stupidity... but that is another story! :) Of all of the hard disks to loose it had to be my Ham Radio 170 Meg drive! So... those of you that have come to look for my Ham Radio Software for the Mac list... it was trashed... but I resurected an old version... adding to it now... and ti will be out before then end of the month... sorry about that! Now.... does anyone have the parameters for setting up a Quadralink (non-DMA type) to work with NET/Mac? I lost my and have to rebuild it. I am using a Centris 650 and the card is in the center Nubus slot.... I am running a SLIP link to my PC through the printer-serial port... which I have working... just need to get the Quadralink board online. Thanks in advance. Terry Stader- KA8SCP ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 13:51:29 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: Packet on a Newton To: I was wondering if anyone has attempted, with any success, running Packet on an Apple Newton or other PDA. It seems to me that this would be a feasible endeavor... if no one has tried this yet, maybe I'll go out and get a Newton and give it a whirl! Seems like it would be a nice small portable packet alternative. 73's Ron N0RTX -- \//// (o O) -----oOO--(_)--OOo------------------------------------------------------ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ __o _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ -\<, _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ (*)/(*) "The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on..." ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 14:43:49 +0200 From:!swrinde!!!sunic!!!!MEADOW! Subject: Packet with Commodore 64 is NO problem! To: Perhaps Digicom>64 is the answer to this question. It was written by Florian DL8MBT and his team who later produced the well-known Baycom system. They kindly put Digicom>64 in the public domain. Instead of the AX25 protocol being handled in special hardware and software in a TNC, the hardware requirement is limited to a simple one-chip modem plugged into and powered by the C64 or C128 cassette port. This is connected to the radio by a cable such as those used between a TNC and radio. Digicom>64 performs the role of TNC and terminal all in one. Version 3.60 which I have been using for a couple of years allows the '64 to be used as a four port node and if a disk-drive (eg 1541) is available, a personal BBS. It really is a great program. I built my modem to a design in 73 magazine and it cost the equivalent of perhaps 30 US dollars to build. It is only 3"x2" in size and was the first pcb I'd ever made so it can't have been that difficult. I am hoping to post Digicom>64 v3.60 and docs to comp.binaries.cbm in the next couple of weeks. Would any of the ham ftp administrators like to upload it? I am only a beginner with Digicom as there are many features I've never used . Are there any other Digicom users out there on Internet? Stephen g7oaz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 16:58:31 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!concert!hearst.acc.Virginia.EDU!cscsun! Subject: rules of content To: Kenneth E. Harker (Kenneth.E.Harker@Dartmouth.Edu) wrote: : In article <35nchk$> : (Matthew D Porter) writes: : > I want to add a bit to this that I haven't seen come up on this group yet. : > Although PGP encryption is clearly prohibited it seems that it would be legit : > to apply a PGP signature to any type of message. Is this correct logic? : I don't see why not. The signature text, while it is an encoding, : should be : readily "decodable" by anyone with your public key, which theoretically : the person you are communicating with, as well as anyone else who wants : it, has. Unless you were to deny someone access to your public key, : anyone who wants to can decode it using readily available software. There's a difference between encrypting a document to hide it's meaning, compressing a document to reduce it's size, and authenticating a document to prove it's source. In fact the FCC is pushing for automatic forwarding packet stations to impliment some form of packet authentication as a result of that 900 number scandal a year or two ago. -- David Tiller | Network Administrator | Voice: (804) 752-3710 | | n2kau/4 | Randolph-Macon College| Fax: (804) 752-7231 | "Drunk, [Beowulf] slew no | P.O. Box 5005 | ICBM: 37d 42' 43.75" N | hearth companions." | Ashland, Va 23005 | 77d 31' 32.19" W | ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 17:38:38 GMT From:!! Subject: Source for BBSs? To: In article , (Rob Knauerhase) writes: |> Is source for any of the popular packet BBSs available? I've seen W0RLI |> and MSYS; rumor has it that W0RLI source isn't available (I'll send packet |> mail to W0RLI this weekend), and I haven't played much with MSYS. |> |> I'm interested in adding several minor features, and a group of us is |> interested in some perhaps nontrivial additions. |> |> Rob |> -- |> Rob Knauerhase [] Intel Mobile & Home Architecture Lab |> "Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why. |> Then do it." -- Robert Heinlein (Lazarus Long) |> I made two versions of my source available: the original CP/M version, and the machine-independent "CBBS" version written in K&R style C. For the current version I do not release source code. ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Library Operations Internet : "Parts 'R Us!" Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 09:11:20 -0700 From:!agate!!olivea!isc-br!tau-ceti!! Subject: TCP/IP Help To: I am just starting out with TCP/IP and have the book NOSintro by Ian Wade. I also have version 3.xx of Nosview. There are NO active TCP/IPers here in Spokane and I am having a difficult time figuring out how to set up my files. If someone could spare some one-on-one email help I would appreciate it very much. Thanks and 73, Bob -- +---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ | Robert J. Raymond | Spokane, Washington | | | Patricia Raymond | Amateur Callsign KG7WC | | +---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 09:47:27 -0700 From:!!! Subject: X1J Manager To: Is there anyone out there familiar with a program which is a manager for the X1J software. It is called X1JM10.ZIO/BIN. Does anyone have an FTP site for this? Thanks. Marvin Munster, WB6PKK -- Marvin Munster ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #321 ******************************